Friday, November 20, 2009


The KISS principle needs to be revived and observed in the nation’s capitol.

K.I.S.S. stands for Keep It Simple, Stupid.

A 1,900 page Health Care Bill is rather obviously a violation of KISS, so I would like to offer an idea that is simple, understandable, workable and founded on proven principles of free enterprise.

I call it “Medi Fex,” because it mimics Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Not that those two entities have acquitted themselves which much honor of late, but at least the concept of a federally chartered quasi public corporation is nothing new.

Here it is:

There is hereby created a Federal Corporation to be known as the Medical Fee Exchange Corporation which shall be authorized to purchase from health care providers such accounts receivable for medical services rendered as shall not be declared ineligible under State law.

The Medical Fee Exchange Corporation shall be governed by a Board of Directors consisting of fifteen persons appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate, no less than seven of whom shall be licensed health care providers.

I suppose it’s a little sanguine to hope that Congress might be able to whittle 1,900pages down to two paragraphs, but I submit that those 80 words contain the substance of a health care program which leaves no one out and does what just about what everybody wants to get done.

First, if you have insurance, fine. Medi Fex leaves you right where you are.

Second, if you don’t have insurance, Medi Fex assures that you won’t be turned away by a doctor or hospital because you don’t have insurance or the money to pay in advance. You get the service and the doctor or hospital sends you a bill. If you don’t pay or can’t pay the bill, you will end up having to deal with Medi Fex. If Medi Fex doesn’t think you can afford to pay the bill, they can write it off.

Under Medi Fex, the question of what health care is or is not affordable, is decided on a case by case basis.

Under Medi Fex, the sticky question of abortion is right back where it belongs and where it was before the Supreme Court decided Roe v Wade: in the State Legislatures.

Is it too much to hope that the Republicans in the Senate might take a moment from their busy schedules to read 80 words, and think about it?

Is it too much to hope that the Democrats in the Senate might listen to an idea that didn’t originate inside the beltway?

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