Wednesday, May 28, 2014


With Father’s Day coming up, I have to confess that my buttons are busting.

My oldest son, Tom Junior, was a trial judge in Michigan for 24 years. Now retired, he sent me a copy of a motion he will be making tomorrow in the Ingham County Circuit Court.

Here it is:

May 29, 2014
May it please the Court:
    It is my profound privilege to move for the admission of one Azin Arbab for membership to the State Bar of Michigan, which will entitle her to practice law as a licensed attorney in the great state of Michigan.
    As exhibit A, I would like to offer for Your Honor’s review Ms. Arbab’s short vitae.  You will note that after successfully completing her course of study at the Thomas M. Cooley Law School, she recently passed the Michigan bar examination.
    Judge Aquilina, I am introducing you to an individual who represents the very essence of what this great land we call the United States of America is all about.  The land of opportunity.  The land of refuge.  The land of freedom.
    I first met Azin while she was auditing my Criminal Law class at Lansing Community College.  It was immediately apparent to me that she was a particularly bright, ambitious and serious student.  Later, she asked me to mentor her from time to time during law school.  During our discussions, I learned a great deal about this woman.  Her story is like so many immigrant tales of our nation’s past that form the very foundation of this country.
    Azin is greatly influenced by her father.  His behavior, choices, personality and lectures have had a profound effect on her.  His acts of courage and perseverance in the face of tremendous adversity have served as a motivating force in her life.
   Her father was born in Iran to a wealthy family. However, his comfortable childhood changed dramatically during the Iranian revolution.
    Azin’s family is of the Bahá'í Faith.  Wikipedia describes it as a monotheistic religion emphasizing the spiritual unity of all humankind. Three core principles establish a basis for Bahá'í teachings and doctrine: the unity of God, that there is only one God who is the source of all creation; the unity of religion, that all major religions have the same spiritual source and come from the same God; and the unity of humanity, that all humans have been created equal, and that diversity of race and culture are seen as worthy of appreciation and acceptance.  According to the Bahá'í Faith's teachings, the human purpose is to learn to know and love God through such methods as prayer, reflection and being of service to humanity.
    The religion was consolidated in Iran, where its followers suffer intense persecution, the origins of which stem from a variety of Bahá'í teachings inconsistent with traditional Islamic belief.  Thus Bahá'ís are seen as apostates from Islam, and, according to some, must choose between repentance and death.
It is well proven that the members of the Bahá'í community in Iran have been subjected to unwarranted arrests, false imprisonment, beatings, torture, unjustified executions, confiscation and destruction of property owned by individuals and the Bahá'í community, denial of employment, denial of government benefits, denial of civil rights and liberties, and denial of access to higher education.
    Azin’s family is a testimony to this persecution.  The post Islamic government demanded her family to become Muslim.  When her father courageously refused in the face of the threat, the government seized his property.  Having lost all the comforts of a good life, he soon began to struggle financially.  Despite this rude awakening, her father never lost hope.  Instead, he persevered by working hard to maintain his family’s quality of life.  His steadfast beliefs and spirituality lifted his family above the pain of persecution and the loss of materiality.  Through his effort, a new life for himself and his family ensued.
    Her father’s heroism has inspired Azin to always work hard to achieve the best out of life, but without compromising her goals and strong beliefs.
     Azin’s family members, who now live with her, are here to celebrate this momentous occasion, with the exception of her father who is determined to remain in Iran to continue the battle against persecution. 
    Clearly, her parents have taught her the best ideals in life, one of which is emblazoned on her soul: do not accept injustice.  Like her parents, she, too, has experience.
    Because of her religion, the Iranian government did not let her have equal rights with other Iranian citizens.  Despite prejudice and injustice, she refused to give in.  Azin went to the university in Tehran where she earned a bachelor of law and worked as a paralegal in the court system, even though Baha’is are not allowed to do so.  She knew that the government would never allow her to work as a lawyer, but she chose the law because she wanted to change the law.  Her passion for the law is obvious.
When Azin asked me to do this, she wrote:  “For me law means real life.  In law we are talking about people, human rights, life and death.  Without law, we cannot live.  It’s just like water which is necessary for life.”
    She finished her university studies one year earlier than any other student.  She has vast knowledge and experience concerning Iranian and Islamic law.  She even spent a year in Turkey studying Turkish law and courts.
    She is a driven individual.  Finishing Cooley in 2 years, she moved to New York, passed their bar examination and returned to Michigan to take this state’s examination.
    This profession is her passion.  She tells me that abstract logic in the study of law is easily trumped by learning through experience.  From my end of the spectrum, she is right on.
    There are three great professions in the world that attend to the mind, body and soul.  The medical profession attends to the body, focusing on health, healing and survival.  The clergy attends to the soul, emphasizing forgiveness, redemption and salvation.   And the law attends to the mind, realizing justice, freedom, liberty and peace.
    I humbly request that Your Honor grant my motion at this time and allow this determined, committed and passionate immigrant to begin her new life in the practice of one of the three greatest professions known to mankind.  I have no doubt that she will make a difference in this world while preparing herself for the next.

Saturday, May 24, 2014


I have never been much good at raising money. All my political campaigns were anemically funded, and through my years as President of Cooley Law School, I was never able to tap into the kind of multi million dollar gifts that so many colleges and universities seem to be able to attract.
So it is no surprise to me that my recent overtures to generate funding for Convention USA have not set any records.
Of particular interest, however, is an exchange of emails that was occasioned by my fund raising initiative.
Here is where it started:
Spencer Gantt has posted a comment to your fund:
Your money goal is $100,000.00 So far, you've collected $600.00. Good luck on getting the other $99,400.00. I like your organization. I think it is the right way to go. But, when your first action in this particular quest to "put out the glad hand for money", you are not going to succeed. Every "Tom, Dick & Harry" in the United States has a computer. That's all that you need. You don't need money. Get people to donate their time, effort and zeal, and you just might make it. I'm willing to work "my ___ off" to make this happen. But, I'm not willing to give yours or any such organization even "one thin dime". Let me know what to do.
Here was my reply:
I read your comment on gofundme, Spencer, and I really appreciate your candid comments. I feel much as you do. I have been working my butt off for five years on this project. When I started it, I asked the delegates to pay $10 a month dues. It was very hard to recruit people. I probably collected less than $2,000 in dues. Finally I gave it up and let anyone register as a delegate. We got more people, but it has still been a slow process to recruit delegates.
I have written a book about it, which will be published this Fall. The book explains what we are doing on the Internet. Unfortunately, the web site needs upgrading to be able to perform the way I describe it in the book. I have a  proposal from the web master to do the upgrade for $14,000. So far I have already invested over $30,000 in the web site. My darling wife, God bless her, doesn't want me to spend any more money on the project. I don't blame her. At our age (I'll be 85 next week, she in September) we have to be thinking about the end game.
I am hoping that the book will sell and generate some income that I can spend on the web site. Meantime, I'll take you up on your offer. I have worked with volunteers for many years. One thing I learned is that volunteers don't take orders. You have to let them help you in whatever way they want to help, when they want, and how they want.
So my question, Spencer, what can you do to help? What exactly are your willing to do? Clerical work? Communications? Recruiting delegates? Let me know. I'm glad to welcome you aboard.
One thing you might do is to register as a delegate. It doesn't cost anything and takes only about a minute of your valuable time. Not exactly working off any part of your anatomy.
That email brought the following rejoinder from Mr. Gantt:
Hello, Mr. Brennan, 
I read your email over several times, and I appreciate your talking to me. Yes, you've been at this a long time, it seems, and I hope your efforts come to fruition soon. I only recently began to have an interest in this situation when Michigan became the 34th State to request a Constitutional Convention in accordance with Article V. Also, my daughter (age 44) became very enthusiastic about this event about a week ago and has been "hammering" me about it since. 
If your wife has "put the brakes" on your efforts with the web-site, that may be a good thing. If $30,000 hasn't brought you much success in five years, it's doubtful any more money would help. As far as age is concerned, I understand what you mean. I'll be 73 myself next month. 
I have a web-site,, and under the "government" tab, there is a section called "Constitution" which I will change to "Constitutional Convention" this weekend. In this section I will be posting articles about Article V and what is happening in today's world regarding same. Also, today I created a Facebook page called "Article V Convention". I will be using this to promote a convention as well as my site. 
I will register as a delegate, and will promote your site as much as possible. I would like to reference your site, and post various of your articles and info on my site and/or on the page with your permission, of course. I will do everything I can in promoting what you have already done, because I feel we have the "chance of a lifetime" here and there's not much time left. I hope we can make a difference. 
Judging by your name, I suspect you must be of some kin to the Supreme Court Justice, William J. Brennan, Jr. 
That email prompted another from me:
When I was the Chief Justice of Michigan in 1970, I attended a symposium in Colorado which included an opportunity to meet President Nixon. As I approached him in the receiving line, he read my name tag and said, "Ah, Judge Brennan from Michigan. Are you related to Justice William Brennan on the United States Supreme Court?"
"No, Mr. President," I said, " I am not related to him by consanguinity, affinity, or philosophy." Nixon had a hearty laugh.
I am delighted to hear that you will register as a delegate and help us to recruit more delegates. I don't know how much you have seen about our plan. The goal is to recruit 6,166 delegates - one for every 50,000 people in the U.S.
We already have the apportionment plan. There are 1,186 districts, drawn along county lines. In every district the ratio of constituents to delegates is not less that one to 45,000 nor more that one to 55,000.
I will send you a link that will allow you to see the map of every state and the convention districts in each. It's a home made job, but it's accurate.
The long range goal is to elect delegates in November of every even numbered year and to convene the convention in May of every odd numbered year. Delegates won't have to attend in person, but will be able to watch the proceedings on their computers - even participate remotely - and all delegates will be able to vote on all issues using their computers.
The big problem, of course, is credibility. Getting 6,166 delegates from all over the country, will go a long way toward giving us credibility. Another factor will be that our delegates will not just be volunteers, but will be elected by the people in their districts. These elections will be held on the Internet. The system of electing delegates on the Internet is one of the upgrades I am trying to do on the web site.
All for now. Again, thanks for your interest.
And I added this tidbit:
The web site that shows all the delegate districts is
As I said, it's a home made job but when I get some of that naughty old stuff called money, maybe I can get it done professionally.
(Couldn't resist)

By then Spencer Gantt seemed interested:
Thanks for your prompt response. I wasn't sure I had gotten through. Let me mull this over for a bit. I've had a "rough day" with my own web-site and need some "sit back for a while" time. I admire and appreciate what you are trying to do. With people being the way they are, I know it's difficult to get their attention (in large numbers). But I feel that as a People we cannot afford to let this opportunity pass by as it won't ever come again, I'm sure. 
I'll get back with you later this evening. And, thanks again for responding. That in and of itself is unusual. 
Spencer Gantt
This is what he ‘got back’ with:
Sir, I'm puzzled. This site and convention that you are running, how will it be recognized by the "powers that be", that is, by the Congress or whoever approves a convention? Will this be the "actual" convention, or as just a group of people having their own convention?
My reply:
A very good question. What Convention USA does will only be recognized by "the powers that be" when it becomes a significant political movement. It will only become a significant political movement if the amendment or amendments that it proposes are popular with the American people.
The "powers that be" are only the "powers that be"  as long as the general population allows them to be the "powers that be." When the general public agrees upon and supports a constitutional amendment, the "powers that be" will scramble to get on board and pretend that it was their idea in the first place.
Do I think that the mainstream media will be receptive to what we do? Of course not. The mainstream media are part of the ruling oligarchy in America. Do I think that ordinary citizens can overcome the mainstream media and the "powers that be"? You better hope we can, otherwise the nation founded in 1787 will not survive the twenty-first century.
Spencer Gantt will surely be as good as his word when it comes to donating money. I can only hope that I have made a new friend for Convention USA. 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


It looks like Hilary Clinton will be the Democratic candidate for President in 2016. She has paid her dues and certainly has the credentials to seek the nomination of her party.

And, of course, the enthusiastic support of many women voters who have been waiting since 1920 to vote for a female candidate.

I think it is time.

I think it is time for the Republican Party to say to Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Chris Christy, Mike Huckabee, Ben Carson, Rick Santorum, Rand Paul, and whoever, “Fellas, it just ain’t your turn."

Then the powers that be in the GOP should go hat in hand to the four female members of their party who have quietly, efficiently, and effectively proven their ability and readiness to be the President of the United States and beg them to make themselves available to be drafted as the standard bearer in 2016.

Here they are:

In 2010, Susana Martinez was elected of the State of New Mexico. She became New Mexico’s first female Governor and the first Hispanic female elected Governor in the history of the United States.

She was named by TIME Magazine as one of the 100 Most Influential People in the world in 2013, one of only two Governors who made the list. In April 2011, Hispanic Business Magazine named Martinez “Woman of the Year” for her efforts to reduce the tax burden on New Mexicans, get the state’s fiscal house in order, and promote a friendlier business environment allowing employers to create jobs and hire New Mexico workers. National Review wrote, “She is principled and pragmatic. She has a sure sense of philosophy but is also keen on the details …She both advocates and exemplifies the American Dream. Yes, you can forgive people their excitement over Susana Martinez.”


Born in Bamberg, S.C., the daughter of Indian immigrants, Governor Haley’s first job was keeping the books for her family’s clothing store – at the age of 13. She graduated from Clemson University with a bachelor of science degree in accounting and, following her graduation, worked as Accounting Supervisor for a private company and five of its subsidiaries. She then returned to the family business and helped oversee its growth into a multi-million dollar operation

For her efforts to cut taxes and slow the growth of government spending, Governor Haley was named “Friend of the Taxpayer” by the S.C. Association of Taxpayers in 2011. She has lifetime “A” ratings from the South Carolina Club for Growth, the Palmetto Family Council, and the National Rifle Association.  She received the 2011 State Leadership Award from the United States Chamber of Commerce.
One of the strongest fiscal conservatives in state government, Governor Haley was elected to represent the 87th district in Lexington County in 2004 when, as a virtual unknown, she beat the longest serving state legislator in a Republican primary.  In 2008, then-Representative Haley was sent back to the Statehouse with 83 percent of the vote – the highest percentage earned by any lawmaker facing a contested South Carolina election that year.


Born in 1944 to Wilford and Edna Drinkwine, Jan Brewer grew up in Southern California. She lost her father at an early age, after he fell ill due to years spent breathing poisonous fumes while working at a Naval ammunitions depot. Edna Drinkwine, widowed and with two young children, did the only thing she could in facing this challenge: Meet it head-on.
So, she took all of her savings and opened a dress shop. Her daughter worked right beside her – with that small dress shop acting as a living classroom on the value of a dollar, the importance of hard work and the resilience inside every one of us.

Jan Brewer never forgot those lessons. They helped lead her to run for elected office in 1982 when, now married and with a young family of her own, Ms. Brewer grew concerned about her children’s education. She was elected to the Arizona House of Representatives, where she served until 1987. Following that, she ran for and was elected to the Arizona State Senate. She served until 1996, including a four-year period as Majority Whip.
In 1996, Ms. Brewer was elected to the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors. She inherited a local government bogged-down so deeply in debt that it was using short-term borrowing just to meet cash flow. Ms. Brewer was elected Board Chairwoman in 1998 and again in 2001. By the conclusion of her term in 2002, she and her fellow Supervisors had executed a financial turnaround so dramatic that Governing Magazine proclaimed Maricopa County “one of the two best managed large counties in the nation.”
After serving two terms with the county, Ms. Brewer was elected Arizona Secretary of State in 2002, and became Governor on the resignation of Janet Napolitano, In 2010, Jan Brewer was elected o a full term as Governor with 55% of the votes.


Governor Mary Fallin is the first woman to be elected Governor of Oklahoma. She also currently serves as the chair of the National Governors Association, a bipartisan group representing all of the nation’s Governors.

Prior to her historic election in 2011, Fallin represented the people of Oklahoma in a number of state and federal positions. She served two terms as a state representative before becoming Oklahoma’s first Republican and first woman Lieutenant Governor in 1995. From 2006 to 2010, she served as a member of the United States House of Representatives.

As Governor, Fallin cites job growth and retention, education reform and workforce development, government modernization and the elimination of government waste as top priorities. During Fallin’s administration, Oklahoma has consistently ranked among the top states for job creation.

During her first year as Governor, Fallin balanced the state budget while closing a $500 million deficit and lowering the income tax rate.  That year, she also saw many of her legislative priorities signed into law, including lawsuit reform, comprehensive education reform, and government modernizations.

In subsequent legislative sessions, the Governor signed into law a historic overhaul of the workers’ compensation system that will lower costs for businesses. She also successfully pursued improvements and funding increases in education, health care and infrastructure.

None of these four executives are actively seeking the Presidency. Their reticence is not only ladylike, but it also harkens back to a day when the President of the United States did not assume the trappings of monarchy.

A  campaign between Hilary Clinton and any one of those women would be a contest between those who believe that the United States is a federal republic consisting of fifty sovereign states and a national government with limited, specified powers, and those who believe that the United States is a single sovereign nation that rules the states and all the people in them.

It would be a very interesting year.